Thursday, January 11, 2024
4:30 p.m. Kilaga Lodge
Placer Room
President: | Jake Baker - Present | Historian | Mary Romo - Present |
Vice President | Ron Lunsford - Absent | Sunshine: | Cindy Keller - Absent |
Treasurer: | Maureen Williams - Present | Social Chair | Diane Bergeron - Absent |
Secretary | Robyn Kain - Present | Public RelationsL | Mary Carbrey - Present |
Membership: | Tari Briscoe - Absent | IT Director | Robyn Kain - Present Asst. Jack Orloff - Present |
1. Call to Order (Jake Baker): Meeting was called to order at 4:31 p.m. 39 members were in attendance and 9 guests.
2. Re-introduce Leadership Team (Jake Baker): Being the first meeting of the year, Jake re-introduced the 2024 Board of Directors and Appointed Office Holders.
3. Welcome Guests (Jake Baker): Guests included Bob and Colleen Escovedo; Joe and Cathleen Hedge; Debbie and John Moreno; Mike and Sherri Rand; and Patsy Wilhelm. All were welcomed and invited to join the Group.
4. Membership Report (Maureen Williams for Tari Briscoe) : There were no additional new members to report. Maureen is taking the club renewals at this time. She is following up with those who have not yet renewed. Approximately 5 members are not continuing. Maureen will wait until the end of January for renewals to arrive, and will drop those who have not renewed.
a. Motion to Approve Minutes of November 9, 2023 (Jake Baker): A motion to approve the minutes was made by Steve Holderfield, seconded by Mary Romo. Motion was passed.
5. Motion to Approve Treasurer’s Report of November and December 2023 (Jake Baker): A motion to approve the Treasurer Reports was made by Mary Romo, seconded by Ron Hartman. Motion was passed.
6. Sunshine Report (Cindy Keller): Mary Romo filled in for Cindy. She mentioned that she had sent out a get well card to Marilyn Koregelos. Vicki Coleman reported that a former member, Steve Holloman, passed away at the end of the year. Mary will send a condolence card to his wife Renee.
7. Historian Report (Mary Romo): Mary asked for participants in the Rose Parade rally to send pictures to her. She reviewed the Holiday Party photo display prepared by Ron Darville, many excellent pictures!
8. Social Chair Report (Diane Bergeron)
a. Holiday Party (Mary Carbrey): Mary reviewed the success of the recent Holiday Party that was attended by 75 persons. It was enjoyed by all, the dancing was fun, and everyone had a good time. The new DJ was a real success, the food at Turkey Creek Golf Club was excellent. Diane Bergeron has already booked Turkey Creek for next year and is planning to book the same DJ as well.
9. Vice President Report for Rallies (Ron Lunsford)
a. Report on Completed and Upcoming 2023/2024 Rallies: the last rally of the year, Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, was reported by Steve Beede. They had the opportunity to participate in making floats, attended the band performance at an arena, and enjoyed the equestrian performance as well. The viewing stand seats were in an excellent location where they had a good view of all the floats. Many of the bands performed in their section. The RV park was good and hosted many other for-profit rallies that were also at the parade.
b. Distribute Updated Rally Spreadsheet: Jake noted that Ron Lunsford prepared a 2024 rally spreadsheet and copies were available for pickup by everyone. Upcoming rallies are:
i. Mountain Gate RV Park, Redding. April 18 – 23. Wagon Master Ron Lunsford. Co-Wagon Master Mary Carbrey reported that the park is located 20 minutes north of Redding near Shasta Lake. There are 13 sites taken and 6 sites are still available. Plans include exploring the Shasta Lake Caverns, a tour of Shasta Dam, hiking to Hedge Falls, boat ride to the Shasta cavers and the Red Bluff Rodeo Round Up. If you want to attend the rodeo, get your tickets now as a limited reserved section is being reserved for our group (Ron has sent an email to the registered rally members).
ii. Flying Flags RV Resort, Buellton/Solvang. May 13 – May 17th. Wagon Masters Robyn Kain & Janet Phillips. Robyn advised that they have not had as many signups as anticipated but approximately 7 are currently signed up. She may need to revise or cancel the contract since the contract terms are rigid concerning committed spaces. She will follow up with the park and get back with everyone on the details.
iii. Coachland RV Park, Truckee. June 20 – 24. Wagon Masters are Jake Baker and Frank Mason. The rally has 13 signups so far, total 18 spots are available. Jake reported activities including a day train trip from Carson City to Virginia City; touring the Thunderbird House, golfing; hiking.
iv. Bodega Bay RV Park, Bodega Bay. July 8 -12, Wagon Master Roy Deeble. The rally is already full and has one person on the waitlist. Contact Roy Deeble to be added to the waitlist, he will also try to get additional spots for the rally. He is working on activities and plan to have lots of games for everyone to play. Should be cooler weather there during the summer.
v. Jackson Rancheria RV Park, Jackson. September 8 – 13, Wagon Master Betty Schumacher. No new report but rally planning is underway.
vi. Balloon Festival, Albuquerque, NM. September 20 – October 10, Wagon Master Patty Holderfield. The rally is full with 14 rigs. RV park reservations have been secured. The rally will go through Bryce – Zion – Grand Canyon National Parks before arriving at the Balloon Festival site. This week the Balloon Festival RV parking lot opened up; half the group got in and half are still at the backup RV park. Those who tried to get into the festival parking lot are on a wait list.
vii. Feather Falls RV Park, Oroville; November 3 – 8. This rally has just been added. A wagon master is needed, contact Ron Lunsford for information. Ron will report on the rally next month.
10. Unfinished Business (Jake Baker) No report.
11. New Business (Jake Baker)
a. Vice President Assistant: Jake indicated that Ron Lunsford is the sole person who volunteered to be the Vice President in charge of developing rallies. Ron is involved with another RV group and other activities as well, and will not make it to every meeting. He could use an assistant, so if you are available to work with Ron, please contact him or Jake to express your interest, it would be much appreciated.
12. Open Comments (All): None
13. Adjournment: A motion was made by Ed Williams to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Steve Beede. Meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m.
Minutes Submitted by Robyn Kain, Secretary
Minutes Approved by Jake Baker, President