Thursday, January 12, 2023

4:30 p.m. Kilaga Lodge

Placer Room


President:        Mary Romo                             Historian:        Ron Darville

Vice Pres.:       Cara Roberts                           Sunshine:         Open

                        Roy Deeble                             Membership    Maggie Giulani

Secretary:        Robyn Kain                             IT Director:     Robyn Kain/Assistant Sharon Skar

Treasurer:        Maureen Williams                   Social Chair:   Vicki White

Contact Information is in your Roster

I.          CALL TO ORDER:  President Mary Romo called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 

II.        WELCOME NEW MEMBERS:  Tom and Tracey Bolton attended as new members; although they have been members in the past.  They have a 36’ Integra.

III.       WELCOME GUESTS:  Patsy Wilhelm has recently moved to SCLH.  She has an RV and asked for suggestions for a repair shop to address some recent damage from the storms we have been having.  She plans to join the group.

IV.       MEMBERS PRESENT:  47 club members and one guest were present.

V.        PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES:  No minutes were approved this meeting.

VI.       REPORTS:

A.        Treasurer’s Report (Maureen Williams):  Maureen reported on the financials for November and December.  She reminded everyone that membership renewals are due now in the amount of $25 per household.  They are due by the end of January.  A motion to accept the report was made by Al Giuliani and seconded by Marlowe Skar.

B.        Membership Report (Maggie Giuliani):  Maggie reported that there are 67 household members.

C.        Social Chair Report (Vicki White):  Vicki advised that a Luau themed party is planned for May 13, 2023. 

D.        Sunshine Report (Mary Romo): Mary Romo reported that Gerri Samsel’s husband, David, had passed away.  Gerri has stepped down as the Sunshine person.  Mary will take on that responsibility unless someone else offers to take it on.  It mostly is sending out cards to club members.  The group sang Happy Birthday to Vicki White, today was her birthday!

E.         Historian Report (Ron Darville):  Ron was not present.  Mary stated that she had taken pictures at the Holiday party.  Vicki White asked for pictures of the recent rallies to be sent to her.

VII.     VICE PRESIDENT REPORT (Cara Roberts/Roy Deeble): 

PROJECTED RALLIES FOR 2023 (see attachment):  Roy and Cara reviewed the upcoming rallies for 2023.  The attachment shows the rallies for this year.  Wagon masters and assistant Wagon masters are needed.  Roy encouraged members to become involved.  He noted that the Wagon masters volunteering so far are all board members and all members are encouraged to join in and participate with the rallies.  There is ample support from experienced Wagon masters to help new Wagon masters.  Often, a new Wagon master is paired with an assistant Wagon master who has previous experience (or vice versa).  Roy also advised the group it is important to sign up for the rallies as some of the reservations require a minimum number of sign ups.  Please contact Roy or Cara to sign up as a Wagon master or assistant.

A.        March 31 – April 3:  Wagon masters are Robyn Kain and Janet Phillips; assistants are                    Vicki and Coleman White.  Event is the Lodi Wine Festival held at the fairgrounds, r  ally to stay at Flag City, Lodi for 3 nights.

B.        April 3rd – April 7th:  The next rally immediately follows the Lodi rally for 4 nights, staying at the 49er RV Park in Plymouth.  Sharon and Marlowe Skar are the Wagon masters and Robyn Kain/Janet Phillips are the assistants.

C.        June 11 – 16:   Rally to be held at Black Oaks Casino RV Park in Tuolumne, CA.  The Wagon masters are Doug and Marilee Swanson; the assistants are Craig and Mary Carberry.  Mary noted that the RV park is not adjacent to Yosemite National Park.

D.        July 16 -21:  Rally to be held at Diamond Lake, Oregon. This is near Crater Lake.  (No wagon masters)

E.         July 21 -27:  Rally to be held in Ashland, Oregon. (No wagon masters)

F.         September 22 – 26:  Rally to be held at the Gilroy Garlic USA RV Park.  The Casa de Fruita Renaissance Fair will be the main attraction.  Primary Wagon master is Cara Roberts, an assistant wagon master is needed.

G.        September 26th to October 1st:  Rally to be held at Moss Landing KOA Park.  This is located right next to the ocean and is a really great location.  Primary Wagon master is Cara Roberts, an assistant wagon master is needed.

H.        Jackson Rancheria – Roy noted he just added this to the schedule but it is not booked yet.  He will follow up to see if dates are available but it may be too late to book as it is a very popular destination.

I.          November 12 -17th:  Newport Dunes RV Resort at Newport Beach.  This a nice older park that Roy has stayed at many times.  The spaces assigned to our group are 25’ x 40’ so if your rig is approaching the maximum length, you will need to get an alternate longer space within the park.  A minimum of 15 rigs is required to secure this reservation.


  1. Revised By-Laws Update (Sharon Skar):  Sharon reported that the Bylaws needed to be submitted to the Sun City Board of Directors for approval.  The By-laws have been approved by the Clubs & Organizations Committee, now need to be approved by the Board of Directors.  When finalized, these will be posted on the website.

X.        NEW BUSINESS – Mary Romo mentioned that the next CPR class is already full.  She suggested that members periodically check the online schedule, usually mid-month is ideal, to see when new sessions are scheduled.  The Sun City Foundation is off-setting the cost of the class so now it is only $15 per class.

XI.       OPEN COMMENTS –  A request was made for veterinarians in the area, and several suggestions were offered.

            Cara Roberts gave a presentation of a plug in wall heater that they use in their RV.  It is small and keeps their RV quite warm.  You can move it from one part of your RV to another.  They are available on Amazon for a reasonable price. You can also use it at your home to warm up a room.

XII.     ADJOURNMENT –  A motion was made by Vicki White, seconded by Terri Stubblefield, to adjourn the meeting at 5:20.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by Robyn Kain

Approved by Mary Romo